Wednesday, April 7

... crazii old german

Im totallii awake ... I was good and sleep for a couple hours and I just woke up with this thought on my mind. Heres my disclaimer, if you feel like it applies to you it probably doesnt. It just means your guilty of doing this to someone else.

If you went to baker high school from 2003-2007 you probably remember a crazy little physical science teacher named Betty Loadholt (3 to 5 minute warmups, lol). Anyway, she said alot of off-the-wall things that school year I had her. But one thing she said was always crazier than most. she said,

"If you see me and a six foot bear in a fight, help him, cause he's the one thats gonna need it."

For all my non=BHSers, Mrs. Loadholt was roughly four feet tall, with heels on. lol. I was always 'this lil lady is crazy' and brushed her comments off and moved on. But tonight in my subconcious sleep her comment made pure sense.

1. I am not an option. If someone gives you an ultimatum (me or ____) , pick the blank. Why? I dont like to be chosen. I like to be the only choice. I like to be set apart from the group. Plus, I dont make people chose. I dont really care what you do, just dont get me wrapped up in your tom-foolery.

1b. Those who pick because other people make them are weak. I have seen it countless times in my life. People who claim to be so strong allow someone who is just as weak as them to come into their life and make them chose who to associate themself with and who not to associate themselves with. Its hilarious really. I mean, if you think about it, its like the dumb leading the dumber. My life got a whole lot easier when I did two things. One, I released some baggage from my life (with the help of the baggages broken wheel) and I stopped listening to other peoples opinions as either right or wrong and listened to them as their opinion only.

2. The lesser looking opponent always wins. Anthony taught me to sit back and watch people before I just jump into a situation. One thing I learned by doing this is that people are unreliable, selfish, and generally unappealing to be around. Especially females. Why? Well its like this, people (females esp.) always want to be right. They are willing to lose their lives, their identity, their family, their friends, their love behind being right. Imagine if we all just listened to others opinions, respected them, gave our opinion, didnt try and make our opinion seem better than theirs, and moved on with life. Things would be dumb simple. Racism, sexism, classism, etc. would essentially be eliminated. All because people stopped trying so hard to be right and force their "rightness" on other people.

3. The better looking opponent is always the dumber one. People that pump themselves up to be the overdog end up being the underdog. Examples?
   a. eight foot bear and Mrs. Loadholt. She looks weaker, until she shots the stupid bear with a rifle, then she wins.
   b. Kimbo Slice and Seth Petruzelli. Kimbo was picked hands-down to win, but Seth had nothing to lose ... and he won.
So .. I agree with little Betty Loadholt

"If you see me and a six foot bear in a fight, help the bear, cause he's the one that's gonna need it".

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