Thursday, April 22

.x cn i please gt a quality education

Prairie View A&M University, we must do better. Its a new year on our horizion and we should voice our opinions and our expectations of our new student leadership. This is my soapbox.

A quality education is not just the responsibility of the student.
Personally, I chose to go to an HBCU because of the hertiage and the legacy that goes along with attending and graduating from an HBCU. There was once a time where going to an HBCU was a prestigious thing, now, its just the cheapest way to get an OP check and maybe a degree ... maybe.

I want to personally select my HBCU and voice my ideas about the university. Before I begin, I wanna ask the inevitable question: why not become SGA president if your just gonna keep complaining. The answer is simple. SGA is a popularity contest. If platforms and change mattered, we wouldn't be in the current state that we are in as an HBCU.

1. Administrative Accountability.
Without the students the administration of PV would be completely irrelevant. They would not have a job if it was not for the students. So why do they get 100% of the say so when it comes to deciding who makes the ultimate decision about what to so with student money. By student money I mean all the money that decides what kind of student activities coming to and happening on campus. If the money is for the use of activities for the students, why cant the students vote on exactly what they want. A prime example is homecoming. Who chose Charlie Wilson. Not the student body.

2. SGA Accountability
During elections I see the candidates for election coming around to classrooms, speaking to me around campus, and voicing their "platform" adamantly. But, the day elections end, I never see the winner ever again ... unless its on facebook in the photo album depicting their trip to various hot spot around the United States. PV needs an SGA president/ vice president that is about more than being in the "in" circle, getting free room & board, and building their resume. The SGA should give a monthly review to the students via the panther that tells about what they accomplished this month and what they plan to accomplish in the next month. Doing this will give the SGA realistic deadlines and a better chance for the common students (not their fellow SGA members) to know whats going on with their campus leadership and their campus in general.

3. African American History
From the moment we step into social studies we learn history. "American" history. So, by the time we get to college we know this history whether we want to or not. So, by being an HBCU we have the perfect opportunity to learn African American History. So, I personally believe that by dropping the two mandatory U.S History classes and replacing them with the two African American History classes that PV currently offers,  we would enrich our students appreciation for HBCUs, for their culture, and for their history.

Well, that's my soapbox :)

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