Saturday, August 11

.x a Tornado

So, as usual, I can't listen to anything these days unless its chopped and screwed [or has a bouce beat on it], lol. Anywho, I'm listening to OG Ronc C's version of Frank Ocean's Channel Orange [entitled Channel Purple]. My favorite song for no apparent reason is 'Thinking About You'. Literally, all day I walk around singing the first part:
-A tornado flew around my room before you came, excuse the mess it made, it usually doesnt rain-

I'm not at all sure why I love this part but I listen to this at least twentyseven times a day.

In other news I miss Pensacola. I wanna go lay out on the beach again and soak up the sun and all its beautiful rays.

Also, I'm entirely in love with blogging again. Tonight while I was at work I ran across some of my old blogs and it made me feel the desire to blog. Just not as freely, lol. I swear I use to blog the most random shit ever. IDK wht was up with me but don't expect me to blog with the same freeing brashness, lol.

I'm off to see the Wizard of Oz :)

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