Monday, October 18

.x Al jarreau LP

i love Al Jarreau btw.
anii who i wanna watch knocked up but im too lazii to gt up and put it in, so football it is.

so i hve to write a research ppr abt slave narratives an blah blah blah but im extremely unmotivated to do this paper. first of all im tired of talking about slavery like it still affects us. slaverii was over 100 years ago. we (as blk ppl) need to let it go. everythingtht happens to us isnt because of slavery. we wont get restitution. we need to move on and jus do better. secondly my teacher has no vision fr wht he wants. he jus keeps havin terrets moments and blurting out random things we need for this paper. ugh, its quite irratating.

so today i wore alot of pink. it was low key because its breast cancer awareness month and im pro-save-the-ta-tas and the second reason why i hd on alot of pink was because i was feeln super girly. it was kinda an odd feeling.

in other news its monday, the start of anothr week. i finished 2 characters (Marleigh and Branston) but i hve two more to go. i really hve too much goin on and im extremelii undermotivated. okaii i need to stop bloggin and go write.

k bye bloggees :)

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