Friday, October 29

.x Farewell

so lets recap shall we?
so apparentlii there are two young girls that are loyal subscribers to Jamie's World. They are almost more loyal to me, my blog, and my life than i am to myself. for example, one young lady read almost every page of my blog in one day. another young lady reads my blog (from her phone) daily! i am truly amazed by the level of commitment these two young girls have exuded on me! One thing tht i dnt like isthat one of the girls is always personally hurt everytime i use the words slut, hoe, tramp, easy, booty call, triflin, or nasty. i kno these are commonly used words wen people describe yu but in the case of me, its nt about yu. i said all of this because i want these two lost, jamie-needing souls to fly away and hopefullii find another person thats as wonderful and interestong as me to leach onto. i kno my profound words and memorable life lesdons cannot be matched but i urge yu to try and move past me. i understand that some facets of my life(style) make yu jealous and im use to this. i just honestii and wholeheartedlii hope that yur life A.J (aftr Jamie) will be as just fulfilled and alot less pathetic. i earnestlii charge yu to throw yu and yur diseased goods at someone elses boyfriend and i (knowing yur well polished tactics) believe yu will be more readily accepted :) i hope no offense is taken to these words of encouragment that im offering. i wish you both well in your future endeavors or lack of. Thanks for being loyal readers for the past few weeks! yur wonderful and yur dedication is admirable.

to all of my other readers i will be changing my blog to a differet website. because i want those two young girls to move on and require a daily reading of my blog i will gladly supply yu with the url/name of my new blog if yu ask (email, text, call, facebook, whtever).

thanks guys!
Jamie Harris

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