Tuesday, October 19

.x Lets Talk About

lol, i was thinking bout the salt and peppa song ... i think its really random that spinderella was in the group, like am i too young to remember her contribution to the group? possibly so.

Aniiwho, im sittin in the library watchin these kids act a fool earlii in the morning (its 8:19 am to be exact) and it makes me shake my head in shame.

[note from me :) i hope that everyone who reads this blog reads it from start to finish because i really want alot of my black sistas to lemme know if im right in how i feel or if im waiiiii off target]

if you talk to some people, black women have it hardest in the world. first because we are a minority by being black and then we are a minority by being a woman. so, i can understand how over the years women have inately taken ownership of this "victim or villian" mentality. not to insult your intelligence or anything, i jus wanna explain this.

The Wester's dictionary definition of victim is:
1. a person who suffers from a destructive or injurious action or agency (ex. a victim of an automobile accident.)

2. a person who is deceived or cheated, as by his or her own emotions or ignorance, by the dishonesty of others, or by some impersonal agency (ex. a victim of misplaced confidence; the victim of a swindler; a victim of an optical illusion. )

so, you can see that based on those to definitions, we as black women really dont have any business considering ourselves victims of our circumstances (and by circumstances, i mean being black and a woman).
by the same token, we also dont have to be the villian. most times in society, black women think that if we cant be the damsel in distress then we must be the one causing the distress. this definition (though it doesnt have to be) often times rings true because we feel like we must exact revenge on those who've hurt us or  we must hurt the people who could hurt us before they do hurt us. its a sad story honestly. i am speaking from my own personal experience when i say that we as black women need to learn to be free and live. we need to stop letting the societal norms and the possible scrutiny of our "superior (males and whites) peers" put us in places where we feel like we cannot and will not succeed.
why am i saying all this? i think for a long time i suffered from this victim or villian disease. i felt like i was either a victim of my circumstances or a villian because of how i tried to change my circumstances. i have realized i am neither. i am simply a participant in my activities and a co-dictator of my life. i make choices based upon the situation before me. there is no right or wrong choice, there is simply a choice that best fits me and if that choice doesnt suit whoever is on the other side of it well then that is something that they will have to deal with for themselves. that isnt my responsiblity.
on to more relevant news, so the shebeast is up to her usual tactics, but i think its amusing. its funny how when someone knows they're wrong, they will do everything in their power to make you feel bad when in reality they are trying to make themselves feel better. so, since she was on i mission, i stirred her up a little yesterday and she went on and on about pretty much how much of a slut she is. its really sad. i think subconciously soceity has set alot of people up to fail. our society is so sex driven that alot of times people do things that are probably out of character for them all because of sex. maybe its me and im one of the few people that doesnt undersrtand what is so magnificently wonderful about sex that it would make me act out of character, but some people would argue me down that there is power in the respective sex organs. i disagree. i think the power is mental. the power is in the mind of the person who cant love themself enough or respect themself enough to not let sex be a motivator for their promiscuous behavior. but thats just me.
lastly, [i promised i wudnt be long winded todaii {lol}] i want to discuss love. i think love is my favorite topic. love is something that i love to talk about. i love to talk about it because its one of those words that can mean anything and everything you want it to mean. its one of those words that can be the difference between peace and war, happiness and misery, right and wrong. love is so powerful. everything and everyone needs it yet few of us really find up.
my grandparents are among the few, they've been together since they were teenagers and to this day they are sill together. thats real love my friends. thats the kind of love i want. thats the kind of love i have. dont let love be your motivation, but dont let hate stop you either. its a very thin line between love and lust, hate and wantonness. its a line we walk all the time, but one thing i can say is that i love ALWII more than i lust for him.
so be easy bloggees :)

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